Welcome to this course on React Tutorial of Beginners. This React Developer Online Course will teach you the basics of Front End web development. React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React is a JavaScript library for building Front end interfaces.

πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»React for BeginnersπŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»
00:00:01​ 1 - Introduction to React JS
00:13:40​ 2 - Setting up a React Development Environment from Scratch
00:18:30​ 3 - How To Build Your First App
00:28:30​ 4 - Class Component Overview + Understanding JSX (Start COVID-19 – App)
00:38:40​ 5 - Handling Dynamic Content + Data Fetching
00:49:56​ 6 - Build Your Own React Components
01:02:03​ 7 - Styling Components In React
01:11:23​ 8 - Search Bar React Component in React
01:20:36​ 9 - Building Your Own methods
01:29:13​ 10 - How to deploy React App to GitHub Pages
01:38:29​ 11- React Lifecycle Methods
01:44:42​ 12- Understanding React Router + Getting started with Insta-app
01:54:52​ 13 - How To Create a User Login with React.js
02:03:35​ 14 - How To Create a User Login with React.js (Styling)
02:12:59​ 15 - How to Creating a custom 404 Page with React Routers
02:23:29​ 16 - Build A Header Component + Using the NavLink Components to Navigate to a Route
02:34:09​ 17 - Nested Routes with React Router
02:44:56​ 18 - Building Home Page with APIs
02:58:10​ 19 - Displaying contents at Feeds component
03:07:26​ 20 - Displaying content at suggestions component
03:14:30​ 21 - withRouter and Dynamic Routing with React Router
03:28:40​ 22 - client-side logout with React Router
03:40:26​ 23 - Getting Started with Redux
03:51:56​ 24 - Using Redux and react-redux
04:11:00​ 25 - Todo-List with Redux | Rendering Lists React/Redux
04:17:14​ 26 - Todo-List with Redux | Remove an Item from a List on Delete click
04:29:00​ 27 - Todo-List with Redux | Editing Todo-List
04:36:54​ 28 - Todo-List with Redux | Saving an Edited Todo-List
04:49:54​ 29 - Todo-List with Redux | Deleting Todo-List
05:08:24​ 30 - Todo-List with Redux | Adding Persistence on changes in Todo-List
05:18:21​ 31 - Insta App Local state management To Redux state-management
05:29:41​ 32 - React + Redux - Login Tutorial
05:38:47​ 33 - Get started with Redux Thunk
05:55:24​ 34 - Fetching Suggestions in Insta App
06:09:07​ 35 - Iterators and generators
06:15:43​ 36 - Getting Started With Redux Saga
06:29:56​ 37 - running sagaMiddleware
06:38:26​ 38 - Fetching Suggestions In Insta App
06:45:03​ 39 - React Hooks | Getting Started With The React Hooks
06:54:56​ 40 - React Hooks | useState() | Using the State Hook
07:02:10​ 41 - React Hooks | useEffect() | How to use useEffect React hook
07:12:32​ 42 - React Hooks | useEffect() | React useEffect hook with Code Example
07:25:45​ 43 - React Hooks | useReducer() | Using the useReducer Hook
07:37:05​ 44 - React Hooks | useCallBack() | Using the useCallBack Hook
07:48:31​ 45 - React Hooks | useMemo() | Using the useMemo Hook
07:58:45​ 46 - Introduction to Refs in React
08:09:51​ 47 - Creating Refs Using React.
08:22:54​ 48 - Working with the React Context API
08:32:54​ 49 - Toggling Light/Dark Theme in React

link of api - https://api.covid19api.com/countries​
Code link -https://github.com/Anshuman301/covid19-cases
Covid-19 Stats Web App link - https://anshuman301.github.io/covid19-cases/

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs6nmQViDpUw0nuIx9c_WvA

#react #javascript

ReactJS Frontend Web Development | Learn By Building Projects (including Hooks, React Router, Redux)
60.35 GEEK