All languages are “tools” for solving numerous problems. However, there is one that can be considered a star choice — Java (though some would argue for Python).

The advantages of coding in this language are almost infinite.

Why Java?

According to TIOBE’s rating, Java has been ranked first among all languages in the world in the last couple of decades.

A large number of well-known companies use Java-written software to develop software and applications. So if you know Java (and how to program on a whiteboard, lol), you definitely won’t have to fight to find a job. The main reasons for Java’s popularity are its mobility, scalability, and large user community.

Java is an excellent choice for novice professionals because it is a skill that is in high demand (three billion devices run on Java!), which means more employment or internship opportunities.

According to the available data, 90% of the Fortune 500 companies use Java to create their own applications and internal systems. This is also a financially viable career option when the average Java developer earns an average of $102,514 per year.

It is worth noting that applications for Android are also often created using Java, opening up opportunities, not only in web development and software development but also in mobile development.

How to start learning

_Photo by Science in HD on _Unsplash

Without a doubt, learning Java requires planning as well as discipline in putting the plan into action. This is one of the secrets of a successful professional programmer.

How do you achieve this?

  • Schedule your lessons and find ways to minimize distractions. You need to discipline yourself by following your schedule.
  • Use the rule of 20 minutes. Before you ask for help, take at least 20 minutes to google yourself. There is a (very) high probability that the answer is already in front of you, and besides, the struggle makes you a better programmer in general.
  • Practice coding every day. Practicing helps you to improve. Make coding a habit. For example, you can code small pet projects.
  • Don’t hesitate to program more advanced programs with the help of Java API as soon as you have mastered the basics.
  • Use blogs you like and forums dedicated to Java and programming languages in general. It will help you to improve the situation.

Once you choose to learn Java, don’t lose momentum by working seven days a week on your curriculum. Even if it takes half an hour per day, coding work will help you build up the habit and make you feel like it is now a part of your daily life.

Be ready for difficulties and mistakes, but have no fear:

Start with the basics

Although this can help acquire some knowledge, it certainly cannot make you a good Java programmer. Once again, look what the Reddit community says in this regard:

  • Practise is important. The benefits are almost infinite.
  • Practise leads to professionalism. I was able to become an expert in learning the Java language, thanks to consistent practice. This is the key to success for professional programmers. You just need to encode it!
  • It helps you to learn. Applying this knowledge to real-life situations strengthens your skills.
  • More practice leads to discovery. This includes things you didn’t understand and are not yet knowledgeable of.
  • Lets you to the encoding by hand. This gives you many more opportunities for your skill than fancy tools and frames. You better understand the logic of coding.
  • It helps you solve practical problems. Practice helps to assess problems better, understand the dynamics and propose appropriate solutions.

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Teach Yourself Java: Where to Begin
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