Talent growth and retention are key aspects of any leader. We all strive to grow our teams, but how do we best handle scaling up and scaling down as business needs shift? This is something we can learn only by experience, and in times of uncertainty, these decisions become more critical than ever.

We have all been there, moving from one project to another, trying to build and grow into the next role in our career trajectory. We may find ourselves thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. But we shouldn’t be chasing clouds — they will be always moving.

Influence your team’s outcomes.

Most teams are looking to thrive and become high-performing teams, but our decisions as leaders can make or break a team’s growth in an organization. In Jonah Berger’s book, Invisible Influence, he shares his belief that 99% of all decisions are shaped by others. Our peers and environment impact our decisions to either be different or be similar in a group. Our day-to-day decisions as leaders are shaped by invisible forces that may not be controlled by our thoughts and actions.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as we navigate through these invisible forces to be true to ourselves:

**1. Believe in your core values. **What do you live by, and what will you tolerate from your team? What habits do you want to build to create and empower a mindful team? For me, this means a team where each member respects everyone, irrespective of title or role, and where team unity is paramount.

2. Know your inner purpose. What fights are worth fighting, and when is it time to surrender and rest your case? Are you playing the infinite game or is it survival of the fittest?

3. Find one true friend. Leadership can be lonely at times, especially when you are setting out on an unbeaten path. Having a trusted support system is crucial to your health and well-being.

#decisions #empowerment #leadership #mindfulness #team #cloud

Don’t chase the clouds: Find your zen and empower a mindful team
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