This is a tutorial video on how to read and write files in Python. This video covers all the basic concepts required to get started with file handling in Python. File objects in Python can be used to read the contents of a file and also file objects can be used to write or append data into a file.

In this video, we cover all the basic concepts required to get started with handing files in Python. We first look at how to read a file which is stored in our operating system. And then cover the concepts of how to write data into a file and also how to append data into a file.
We check out the different between using write and append in Python.

To open the file, we use context manager as well as the traditional method to open a file. We talk about the advantages of using context manager while opening a file in python and also explain why it is recommended in python to always use context manager when dealing with files.

00:00 How to Read and Write Files in Python
00:39 How to Read a file in Python
02:55 How to use Context Manager to open a file in Python
07:16 How to Write a file in Python
09:09 How to Append a file in Python
10:20 Program to read a file and append data to another file
13:17 How to access files in different path in Python

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How to Read and Write Files in Python | File Handling Tutorial in Python
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