You can build the best application in the world, but if you don’t know how to tell anyone about it why bother?

Being a successful developer isn’t just about learning a language or two and knowing how to structure a git commit. There are a multitude of other skills that don’t involve writing code that are critical for developers on a daily basis. You can build the best application in the world, but if you don’t know how to tell anyone about it why bother?

There are many skills that make a well rounded developer, a lot of them aren’t about complex algorithms or systems. A lot of these skills are about “soft skills” or relatively simple concepts like communication or writing. Being able to articulate ideas in a brainstorming session, draft technical outlines or even turn a screwdriver make you infinitely more flexible and agile than if all you did was eat, sleep and code.

In this article I want to look at the elements of a programmer’s job that they don’t always highlight in school or on the internet. Some of these might seem obvious or even boring, but I promise you they are critical when it comes to being successful not only as a developer but as a professional. As you navigate the world of development, whether as freelance or full-time, all of these fundamentals are important and applicable.

Let’s get started.


This is by far the most important thing you could invest time into improving. Communicating clearly and effectively in a traditional business setting is one thing, but doing this as a developer is an entirely different beast. Chances are you’ll have to wear a lot of different hats when you talk to people. Some of these hats you may not be entirely comfortable with.

One day you might be presenting something extremely technical to a bunch of senior developers or close colleagues and the next you have to walk the product team through a new set of features and how they can help customers. Managing your audience is important. Nobody likes the curmudgeon engineer that’s always a prick during meetings and thinks they’re the smartest person in the room. On the flip side, everyone loathes listening to someone who is unprepared and sloppy.

“But what if I totally suck at talking?”

Don’t sweat it! A lot of people hate public speaking and sometimes find themselves struggling to get points across in meetings. There are a lot of resources out there to combat this and even though it may sound silly to “practice speaking” at first, you’ll find it actually helps a great deal in the long run.

Toastmasters International is a group dedicated to helping people improve their public speaking acumen. A lot of companies (especially those with a sales department) already have regular Toastmasters meetings setup that anyone can attend. If your company is smaller or you don’t have this you can always find a local meeting and get started honing your speaking skills.

Another fantastic resource I highly recommend is to take a sales course. Yes, you read that right. I’m recommending an engineer take a sales course. These courses teach you a lot more than just how to close deals. There are a wealth of communication tips in these courses and they teach you how to read people and be persuasive. One awesome course I highly recommend is Chris Croft’s course on Udemy.

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Skills Programmers Need That Don’t Involve Writing Code
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