Typescript+vue Developed Drop-down Box To Select Components, Easy To Use

vue select drop-down box to select components

The drop-down box selection component developed by typescript+vue uses the simulated enhanced drop-down selector to replace the browser’s native selector, which is easy to use

Code example

Use v-model for two-way data binding, control the display and hiding of components, see the following code for details


  • Install the package
  npm install vuets-component-select --save-dev
  • js code
import Vue from 'vue';
import { VueSelect, VueOption } from "vuets-component-select";

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      visible: false,
      defaultValue: "2",
      data: [{
        value: "1",
        text: "2017-10-31"
      }, {
        value: "2",
        text: "2018-10-31"
      option: {
        title: "请选择时间",
        cancelText: "再想想",
  methods: {
    confirmHandle(selectedValue) {
  • html template
<div id="app">
    <button @click="visible=true">点击测试</button>
    <vue-select v-model="visible" :option="option" @on-change="confirmHandle">
      <vue-option v-for="item in data" 
        :selected="item.value == defaultValue">
  <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/vue/2.5.16/vue.min.js"></script>
  <script src="./dist/index.js"></script>

Component API

  • select props

    Property Description Type Default Value
    option The option object provides 3 attribute values: title (title), cancelText ([cancel] button copy), confirmText ([OK] button copy) object empty object
  • select events

    Method name Description Parameters
    on-change The method triggered by clicking the [OK] button The value of the selected drop-down box
  • option props

    Property Description Type Default Value
    value The value of each item in the drop-down box string number
    selected The drop-down box option item selected by default boolean false
    text The copy displayed by each option in the drop-down box string Empty character

Component development instructions

  • Installation dependencies
npm/cnpm install
  • Compile
npm run build
  • demo run
## cd test
## npm/cnpm install
## npm run build


Download Details:

Author: ljcheibao

Source Code: https://github.com/ljcheibao/vue-component-select

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Typescript+vue Developed Drop-down Box To Select Components, Easy To Use
6.90 GEEK