Hi! I recently graduated from UX bootcamp and I created my first UX design portfolio. I’m not an expert on the subject, but I do know how overwhelming it can be to create your first UX portfolio from scratch, so I wanted to share some tips and advice for any other UX designers in the same boat.

In this video, I share some information about useful sections to include, how to structure your case studies and some general tips about the visual presentation of your first portfolio as a new UX designer. I also show you what my own portfolio is looking like so far (it’s a work in progress!)

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 0:44 Hosting Platforms
  • 1:07 My Portfolio & Projects
  • 3:00 Landing Page
  • 3:46 Case Studies
  • 7:17 Presentation
  • 8:40 General Tips
  • 10:15 Pep Talk & Outro

#ux #ui #user-experience #developer

My First UX Design Portfolio | Advice for Beginners
1.80 GEEK