Hope this video will be interesting in the Web or Front-end/GUI/UI application development with Java, JavaScript &, javascript frameworks, OpenLayers, Leaflet, Google Maps APIs JS libraries, and graphs-charts JS libraries to be helpful for those who are interested.
Technology & Tools used:

  1. Eclipse IDE & Selenium Functional/GUI Testing tool
  2. Java 8+ & Thymeleaf(Java-based Template Engine for Front-end/GUI/UI development)
  3. JavaScript &, javascript frameworks, OpenLayers, Leaflet, and Google Maps APIs JS libraries
  4. GeoServer, Postgresql with PostGIS
  5. OSM, Google & Google Earth, Yahoo & Bing Maps server
  6. Maven (building tool)
  7. PostgreSQL with PostGIS database (backend server)
  8. jar based packaging(geospatialwebapp-
  9. External or client-side configuration & deployment(Development, Production, and Test) and Web GUI/UI testing
  10. Spring Boot profiles & application Profiles
  11. Web GIS-Mapping programming

#java #javascript #leaflet

Java Web GIS and Mapping Programming | Leaflet | Maps JS Libraries
1.50 GEEK