Today’s code editors and word processors come with a search and replace feature. It is helpful when you need to change a word or a group of words. We don’t want to throw away our written work for a minor problem or change.

The same thing applies to our data. Users will curse us if we tell them to edit what needs to be renamed. That’s why a search and replace feature is also available to replace texts written in our databases. Here SQL REPLACE comes in.

The syntax is as follows:

REPLACE(<original string><string to search><replacement string>)

Note that all parameters are required. The <original string> can be a string literal or a string result of an expression. In database tables, we usually pass a string column where we want the value to change. Meanwhile, <string to search> is a string within <original string> you want to search. Finally, you pass a <replacement string> that will replace <string to search>. Simple, enough, isn’t it?

But there can be some caveats. This way, you can avoid replacing the wrong words. Or, maybe, not replacing the right words. Then messing up your data in the end.

Are you new to SQL REPLACE? Here’s a FREE cheat sheet for you. Just enter your email address below, and we’ll send it straight to your inbox.

Sounds cool? Let’s dig in.

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SQL REPLACE: The Top 5 Facts to Find and Replace SQL Texts
1.10 GEEK