Web apps don’t require a JavaScript framework! Learn how to build a feature-rich, lightweight and dependency-free web app with web components and observables.

JavaScript in the browser has evolved. Developers who want to take advantage of the latest features have the option of going framework-less with less hassle. Options normally reserved to front-end frameworks, such as a component-based approach, is now feasible in plain old JavaScript.

In this take, I’ll showcase all the latest JavaScript features, using a UI that features author data with a grid and a search filter. To keep it simple, once a technique gets introduced, I’ll move on to the next technique so as not to belabor the point. For this reason, the UI will have an Add option, and a dropdown search filter. The author model will have three fields: name, email, and an optional topic. Form validation will be included mostly to show this framework-less technique without being thorough.

The once plucky language has grown up with many modern features such as Proxies, import/export, the optional chain operator, and web components. This fits perfectly within the Jamstack, because the app renders on the client via HTML and vanilla JavaScript.

I’ll leave out the API to stay focused on the app, but I’ll point to where this integration can occur within the app.

Getting Started

The app is a typical JavaScript app with two dependencies: an http-server and Bootstrap. The code will only run in the browser, so there’s no back end other than one to host static assets. The code is up on GitHub for you to play with.

#javascript #web-development

Build a Web App with Modern JavaScript and Web Components
2.10 GEEK