AI does not need to be in everything

Right now I’m making a project that should produce areas that have high risk of flooding in the future. To do that I had to create a model that would complete a time series analysis that would forecast into the future. Instead of using a deep learning model like LSTMs. I went with a tried and tested model for time series analysis called ARIMA. (this is because I was following a tutorial.) This made me think about how all the bells and whistles are not needed.

As long as you’re solving the problem the tool you are using does not matter. I think this is the problem that people with engineering backgrounds have. They fall in love with the tool. Not solving the problem. Don’t get me wrong I do this all the time. But I think it’s important to solve the problem first. Rather than having a tool and finding a problem to solve it with. Granted I do this a lot.

#simplicity #machine-learning #product-development #software-development

Why The Best Model Can Be The Simplest
1.10 GEEK