AI is helping companies gain new insights from the world’s largest focus group- Social Networks

Social networks empower companies with a unique opportunity to gauge the public perception of different people and ideas. This includes vital access to the consumers’ feelings over specific brands and products, and the reactions they give to uncover intelligent insights. The power of AI is huge over the  social media channelizing the fast, automated, accurate social analytics that extracts meaningful insights from all the chatter gone aloud.

AI and Social Sentiment Analysis

One of the ways  Artificial Intelligence is being used to analyse social data chatter is sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis leverages computational linguistics and natural language processing to decode what people say on social media channels intelligently.

Social sentiment analysis is already used in translation, word processing, and interactive voice response applications. Natural language processing (NLP) is a powerful technology increasingly deployed into social listening software to read and categorize brand mentions which are collated across the webpages., powered by Retresco is already converting structured data into natural language text for the AI systems to analyse it. The technology underlying the automated creation of texts is based on artificial intelligence.

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How to Leverage the Untapped Power of AI in Social Media
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