
Visual Studio Code (VSCode) has become one of the most popular code editors for a few years already. In fact, it’s been considered by many (including me) as an IDE, thanks to the huge catalog of extensions that VSCode has to offer.

There’s no doubt that VSCode wouldn’t be as attractive of a choice if there weren’t as many extensions to choose from, let alone if there weren’t any extensions at all. So, without further ado, here are some really underrated but cool extensions that you should definitely try out and use today!

As always, there are different types of developers that use different programming languages (calling out all the JS Web Devs reading this). I’ll try my best to suggest extensions that would be useful for all VSCode users.

Table of Extensions

  1. Codesnap
  2. Marquee
  3. TabNine
  4. filesize
  5. :emojisense:

1. Codesnap

Have you ever wondered how you could generate high-resolution, beautiful pictures of your code? Are you jealous of pictures like this one below that keeps showing up around the internet? If you said “yes” to any of these, try Codesnap!

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Generated using the Codesnap extension😮😮😮

With Codesnap, you can easily generate images such as these directly in VSCode (no need for Carbon anymore)!

Using the extension is extremely simple. First, you activate Codesnap using the command palette. Second, you copy the code you want to be put as part of your output image. Third and finally, save the image! The GIF below will show in full detail the short process.

Codesnap’s color theme matches your VSCode theme by default, but you can customize that anytime in the settings menu.

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Using codesnap in VSCode. Theme: Andromeda

2. Marquee

If you’ve ever used Google Chrome before, you’ve probably heard of extensions that revamp your home screen to either be more useful or beautiful.

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Google Chrome’s Momentum extension. Image courtesy of Momentum.

Marquee is a well-executed “home screen” for your VSCode set up, packaged as an extension. Take a look below!

#visual-studio-code #programming #software-development #coding #technology

5 Underrated VSCode Extensions to Start Using Today
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