Flux is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation-based open source stack of tools that make it possible to keep Kubernetes clusters in sync with external sources of configuration, such as repositories on GitHub. With this in place, you can set up the automation of updates when there is new code ready for deployment. With this “GitOps” approach, you experience the following benefits with Flux:

  • You won’t have to grant your continuous integration (CI) system access to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Every code change is atomic and transactional.
  • Your audit log will be saved in Git.
  • Every transaction will either succeed or fail cleanly.
  • Your DevOps lifecycle is completely code-centric, so you won’t need new infrastructure.

Flux can be deployed on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and even in your self-hosted data center. I want to walk you through the process of installing Flux on AlmaLinux 8. What you’ll need to make this work is a running instance of a Kubernetes cluster, as well as a GitHub account. To make the connection between the two, you’ll also have to generate a GitHub personal access token.

Let’s get Flux up and running, so you can empower your Kubernetes and GitHub connection with continuous deployment.

#ci/cd #kubernetes #gitops #flux

GitOps at Home: Automate Code Deploys with Kubernetes and Flux
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