Data science is exciting. Everyone should practice it — the more, the better. Sometimes, though, practicing data science is hard for beginners as it involves a lot of learning and playing with data, which might not always be user-friendly. In the worst case, your project has nothing to do with your day-to-day, making the motivation to complete it harder to come by.

Inspired to turn the tide around for all the beginner data scientists, I devised a friendly introduction to Google Data Studio, using Medium Stats Data.

Google Data Studio is an easy-to-use, free, and powerful tool for data visualization, which allows you to build dynamic and interactive reporting dashboards. It is widely used in many industries, amongst which digital marketing, so is useful to add to any young entrepreneur’s toolkit.

It’s also quite fun to play with.

So, in the following sections, I present a step-by-step Data Studio Tutorial for Data Studio enthusiasts, absolute beginners, and writers, who want to look at something nicer than a bland old stats table every month, week, day, or every few hours, if you have no self-control like me.

To provide a brief overview, we will first scrape our data in a Google Spreadsheet, then import it in a Data Studio report, create a few calculations here and there, and visualize it.

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How to Use Data Studio to Research and Visualize Your Medium Stats
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