Vue2 Languages dropdown component with search functionality


Vue2 Languages dropdown component with search functionality

alt text

alt text


npm install vue-languages-dropdown --save

yarn add vue-languages-dropdown


import LanguagesDropdown from 'vue-languages-dropdown'

var app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
      'languages-dropdown' : LanguagesDropdown
    data: {
      selectedLang : "en",
      selectedList : ['en','ur','ar']
    methods: {
    	optionSelected: function (data) {        


<languages-dropdown selected="ur" :selected-languages="selectedList" v-on:change="optionSelected"></languages-dropdown>


Name Type Default Description
selected String ur Language ISO2 code, to show default selected language
show-search-input Boolean true true or false value to show the search input in the dropdown
btn-bg-color String #ed4c46 hex color code for the top button background
btn-font-color String #fff hex color code for the top button font color
display-text String name pass name or native value to show in the list, if you pass the native; languages list will be displayed in native text.
selected-languages Array All world languages If you don’t want to display all languages and want to display only required languages then you can use this prop. Pass the ISO2 LANGUAGE code (not country ISO2 Code) in an array. Example is given in code snippet.
show-selected-native Boolean false Display the selected language in top bar in native language if passed true


This plugin emits an event on change, so that you can get the data upon language change. This will emit a data object on change You can bind this method on change as


as shown in above example.

You will receive the following data on language change event.

Name Description
code Language ISO2 code
name Language name in English
native Language name in native language text
countries An array of containing ISO2 codes of countries in which selected language is spoken

Credits & Highlights

The flags sprite image and css taken from

Download Details:

Author: maliknoorhassan

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Vue2 Languages dropdown component with search functionality
7.70 GEEK