Handle null is a biggest nightmare for any developers. As I, developer faced this problem multiple time. That’s why I come with the solution. In this article we are discussing two best way to handle null in Typescript.

Typescript is the advanced version of Javascript. Now a days It becomes the necessity of every web developers. And the Null is the common error and we should know the proper way to handle this.

Best ways to Handle Null in TypeScript

Before moving forward, A funny quotes, I remember on Null pointer exception.

You are the null pointer exception for me…🤣🤣🤣

Well know let’s focus on the two way to handle null in Typescript.

Let’s take an example before moving to the methods:

We have a function named updatePassword with User type of parameter. This function should be run on actual user objects which is non-nullable types.

function updatePassword(user: User) {
  //do functionality

Now we have to guard our functionality by writing null check if user objects would be null in any case.
Read original artical here.

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What are the Best ways to Handle Null in TypeScript? - DasJs
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