10 Stunning Web Portfolio Examples for Design Inspiration

As a designer, you need a site to showcase your best work and land clients. Here are 10 portfolio examples for design inspiration.

An amazing web designer portfolio page is one of the best ways to land new clients.

A great portfolio page acts as an extension of your branding, personality, and skill. It’s also your chance to make a good first impression and introduce your talents. As a web designer, you'll need a unique and interesting portfolio page so potential customers can peruse your work. And if you do a great job, clients might want you to build their portfolio or website, too.

We’ve compiled 10 great web designer portfolios below if you need a bit of inspiration to start designing your own.

What to include on your web design portfolio website

A web design portfolio website needs to represent you and your work. The color scheme, fonts, typography, layout, and images should present your personal brand throughout several key pages:


Your homepage is the most important page — it’s a must. This is where you draw in potential clients with eye-catching visuals or samples of work that spark curiosity. You get to introduce yourself here, whether that’s with your graphics, a photo of yourself, or fun animations. Whatever you choose, make sure it represents yourself and your skills.

If you have a design niche, like including 3D effects or building online stores, make sure that’s evident right away.


An about page reveals details about your life, working style, and experience. Clients want to know you’re a talented designer, and adding a description of your background and skills helps assure them that’s what you are. If they feel confident in your abilities, they’re more likely to reach out about a project.

Include any social media page that provides more information about you or your online work, such as LinkedIn, Behance, or Dribbble to show potential clients more of your talents.


The portfolio page highlights your most impressive projects. Select a diverse group of projects that shows off a variety of skills across the industries you specialize in. Provide a description of each that covers your key role in the project, what challenges you solved, skills used, and the thinking behind the strategy so that potential clients can see what you excel at and how you approach your work.


The contact page often meshes with the about page, but providing contact information is necessary so potential clients can inquire about hiring you. It’s also a great way to learn more about them. And if you want to list your available services and rates, this is a great place to do it so clients can check how much it will cost before reaching out.

How to make your web design portfolio stand out

Your portfolio website is a potential client's first introduction to you. This is where they will learn about your expertise and skills. 

This also works in reverse. Before filling out a template or building your portfolio online, consider the types of clients and brands you want to work with. This approach influences which skills or experiences you highlight on your resume to attract particular brands or industries.

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10 stellar web design portfolio examples

Here are 10 portfolio examples that cover many different skill sets, personalities, and specialties to inspire your design.

1. Virginia Orosa

A screenshot of Virginia Orosa’s portfolio page with the text “Visual & Interaction Designer.”

Dublin-based designer Virginia Orosa uses a two-toned pink color scheme to create a unique portfolio with a broad design to match Virginia’s broad client base.

The casual sans-serif typeface pairs well with the shades of pink color palette to create a soft, welcoming look. There are also subtle animations and transitions, such as the flowing client list. Interactive elements on a portfolio page encourage user action to increase the time they spend on the page and display the designer’s skills. 

This portfolio exhibits Virginia’s adaptable design style and expertise to prove her skill as a visual and interaction designer.

2. Ivette Felix Uy

A screenshot of Ivette Felix Uy’s portfolio page with the text “product designer. Born in manila, raised in california, based in brooklyn. Loves sending letters by post and drinking boba”.

Brooklyn-based product designer Ivette Felix Uy's two-page site showcases six of her past projects as a portfolio for a niche skill set. The design is balanced and visually appealing to an audience looking for a product designer due to its focus on product design imagery and case study structure.

Each case study includes details like the team involved, project type, Ivette’s role, and success metrics. This online portfolio uses subtle yet clever visual appeals to show Ivette’s skill.

3. Empathy template

A screenshot of the Empathy Template portfolio page with the words “Creative studio, based in New York” over a picture of three people facing left.

The Webflow Empathy template by Tyler Hughey of Ty Created is a solid base for an agency or studio web design portfolio. With consistent layouts and built-in mobile responsiveness, Empathy delivers bold, beautiful, and professional design. 

Scrolling through the template reveals sections where designers building portfolios can add high-quality images of their past projects in the column on the right. Each image pairs with a box to add copy and a title so you can describe the projects and draw potential clients further into the site. With its built-in pages for your projects and services, you can transform this template into your customized web design portfolio.

4. Milli

A screenshot of Milli’s portfolio page. Four rectangles read “Work, Connect, About, Community.”

Milli is a creative design agency with impressive skills and credentials, having worked with high-profile brands like Amazon, Netflix, and Red Bull. The portfolio is more of an experience than a static page, containing rectangles for each portfolio section. Sections named Work, Connect, About, and Community come to life with yellow highlighting and enlarged text when hovered over. This encourages potential clients to click on the grids, learning more about what Milli has to offer. Surrounding the rectangles is a continuously scrolling border highlighting Milli’s services: video production, creative strategy, social media, and more. With these animations, Milli flaunts their design skills to prove why you can trust their services.

5. Colin Moy

A screenshot of Colin Moy’s portfolio page with the words “CREATIVE DIRECTION” and “STRATEGIC THINKER” in between his first and last name.

Designer Colin Moy created a bold and immersive portfolio design that shows off his talents. The portfolio website itself is part of Colin’s samples of work — he even encourages you to clone it and dig into the details.

Colin’s portfolio greets visitors with a visual trick, replacing letters in his name with eyes. Clicking on those eyes activates dark mode and triggers an animation. The eyes continue to watch as visitors navigate Colin’s site, swapping the Os in About, Portfolio, and Contact to invite users to click and expand to see more. It's an excellent strategy for keeping potential clients on the portfolio pages, exploring Colin’s work.


A screenshot of MN STUD.IO’s portfolio page with images of tablet screens.

MN STUD.IO's portfolio displays founder Mark Noble's background in motion design and web development. This portfolio is designed with its audience of ambitious businesses looking to build their brand in mind. MN STUD.IO gravitates toward projects that involve animations and movement, hoping its potential clients do as well. 

As visitors scroll, animations showcase past projects and slide across the screen, encouraging a click. This interactivity highlights the agency’s skill set. Every page includes movement with horizontal sliding text, spinning buttons, and interactive elements. These keep website visitors immersed in the content, giving MN STUD.IO more time to sell its services.

7. Ali Saeed

A screenshot of Ali Saeed’s portfolio page with the text “Design & Web Development That Drive Results” on a blue background.

Ali Saeed is a Kuwait-based graphic designer and Webflow developer. He works primarily with startups and corporations on web design, branding, and presentations. Ali shows off his skills with an interactive template, and each past sample of work seems to fall onto the page as visitors scroll down. This subtle animation demonstrates Ali’s skill set in action within his portfolio.

8. You X portfolio 

A screenshot of You X’s portfolio page with the text “I enjoy designing tech websites and digital products” next to a man using a phone.

You X is a portfolio template by BRIX templates. While not a specific portfolio for a particular person or agency, this template makes an excellent base for a web design portfolio because it’s fully customizable to meet your needs. The You X template includes extensive pages, features, ecommerce options, and an editable Figma file available after purchase.

You X is the ideal blank canvas. The template follows the current design trends regarding typography, whitespace, and general UI design while allowing users to make it their own.

9. Side Scroller template

A screenshot of Side Scroller template with the text “Unique websites for your unique business” next to a drawing of a person on a computer.

Aaron Grieve's Side Scroller template offers a different way to present a body of work — scrolling horizontally rather than vertically.  It has a standard header, body text, and a call to action. However, scrolling brings new content into view from the right, rather than from the bottom of the page.

The side scroll creates an immersive experience, like turning the pages of a brochure. This is a great method for selling a portfolio, as it mimics flipping through a photo book or physical portfolio. The template is fully responsive and reviewed for accessibility with Webflow's Audit panel. 

10. Eve Kayser

A screenshot of Eve Kayser’s portfolio page with a photograph of his face next to text that reads “Hi, I am a designer freelancer expert in Webflow development.”

Eve Kayser's portfolio immediately catches the eye with gradient effects on the logo and subtle floating squares in matching colors.

Information about Eve’s expertise, a short introduction to his experience, and contact details can be found above the fold. The link to recent work is an anchor link, skipping the page scroll to deliver a quick look at Eve’s portfolio. The cut-to-the-chase approach takes potential clients straight to the samples to satisfy their curiosity and speed up the site experience. 

Feeling inspired?

If you’re a recent grad looking to build your student portfolio or planning to change careers, check out Webflow University's design portfolio course. This 21-day course teaches you to incorporate visual design into your portfolio site without writing code. And if you’re ready to build your portfolio today, we offer plenty of templates to get you started.

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10 Stunning Web Portfolio Examples for Design Inspiration
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