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We are going to learn here how to:


Create a new Release

When we have created well functional Continuous Integration (CI), read previous blog post here, it is time to set up Continuous Delivery (CD). Login to your Azure DevOps account and Navigate to Pipelines -> Releases


Click on _+ New _to create a new Release

New release pipeline

Choose + New release pipeline

Create IIS website and SQL database deployment job

In the Search box start to write IIS

And choose IIS website and SQL database deployment by clicking on Apply

Provide Stage name

Add an artifact

Now we are going to add an artifact. Click on Add an artifact area.


Here we are selecting published artifacts drop folder we created in the previous blog post here. And to remind you it looked like this core worker service #azure devops #devops

Set up CD using Azure DevOps for Worker Service
9.25 GEEK