15 Amazing Flutter Chart Libraries

Commitchart Flutter

Implementation of Github Commit Chart in Flutter. [MIT License]

"Commitchart Flutter"

Source Code

Flutter Radar Chart

Animated radar chart for Flutter inspired by The Python Graph Gallery (https://python-graph-gallery.com/radar-chart/).

Follow the instructions on pub to install this package.

"Flutter Radar Chart"

Source Code

Flutter Echarts

A Flutter widget to use Echarts in a reactive way.

"Flutter Echarts"

Source Code

Fl Animated Linechart

An animated chart library for flutter.

  • Support for datetime axis

  • Multiple y axis, supporting different units

  • Highlight selection

  • Animation of the chart

  • Tested with more than 3000 points and still performing
    There are currently two different charts:

  • line chart

  • area chart

"Fl Animated Linechart"

Source Code

Mp Flutter Chart

flutter charts just like MPAndroidChart

The minimum version currently supported is 1.7.3. If you use flutter with lower version, checkout and use ‘localPosition-support’ branch, this branch support for flutter version which XXXDetails and PointerXXXEvent not support wiget local postion

Thanks for MPAndroidChart, when translate this library to flutter I learned a lot about matrix use in animation.

"Mp Flutter Chart"

Source Code

Fl Chart

A powerful Flutter chart library, currently supporting Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart and Scatter Chart.

"Fl Chart"

Source Code

Flutter Chart Firestore

In this project you will see how to create charts using charts_flutter plugin in the chart data is retrieved from the Firestore.

For more details regarding the Firestore setup , check this video - https://youtu.be/R12ks4yDpMM

PLEASE UPDATE THE google-services.json files as per your database account.

"Flutter Chart Firestore"

Source Code

Flutter Bezier Chart

A beautiful bezier line chart widget for flutter that is highly interactive and configurable.

"Flutter  Bezier Chart"


  • Multi bezier lines
  • Allow numbers and datetimes
  • Gestures support like touch, pinch/zoom, scrolling
  • Highly customizable

Source Code

Flutter Pie Chart

This Flutter package provides a Pie Chart Widget with cool animation.

"Flutter Pie Chart"

Source Code

Flutter Charts

Charts is a general charting library, currently enabled for the Flutter mobile UI framework.

See the online gallery for supported chart types and examples of how to custom components of the chart.

"Flutter Charts"

Source Code

Flutter Plot

A pretty plotting package for Flutter apps. Sizing and autopadding isn’t great right now, but tinkering with padding and fontSize will allow for you to align things well. You can also check out /docs to learn more, but it really is a single file package.

"Flutter Plot"

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Flutter Candlesticks

Elegant OHLC Candlestick and Trade Volume charts for Flutter

"Flutter Candlesticks"

Source Code

Flutter Fcharts

A work-in-progress chart library for Flutter. Until version 1.0.0 the API is subject to change drastically. Needless to say, fcharts is not production ready.

The goal of this project is to allow for creating beautiful, responsive charts using a simple and intuitive API.

Inspired by Mikkel Ravn’s tutorial on Flutter widgets and animations. If you have used Recharts (ReactJS library) you will find the high level API to be somewhat familiar.

"Flutter Fcharts"

Source Code

Flutter Sparkline

Beautiful sparkline charts for Flutter

"Flutter Sparkline"

Source Code

Flutter Charts

Charts Library for Flutter, written in Dart with Flutter.

"Flutter Charts"

Source Code

Flutter Circular Chart

Animated radial and pie charts for Flutter
.Create easily animated pie charts and radial charts by providing them with data objects they can plot into charts and animate between.

"Flutter Circular Chart"

Source Code

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15 Amazing Flutter Chart Libraries
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