Want to know what actually goes on under the platform and behind the screens at Dashbird? We recently sat down for a Q&A with our CTO, Marek Tihkan, on leading and managing an engineering team. Today, we speak to Alex, one of the engineers on the Development team and the brain and elbow grease behind our newly launched Dashbird Atlas real-time 3D map of your entire serverless environment. In this Q&A Alex gives you his insights and some visibility into what his days are like, and shares his perspective as a developer on working with serverless and the learning curves of this new way of computing.

How long have you been a developer for?

Working at Dashbird is my first prominent professional role but I’ve been coding and developing my own projects for a while. I learnt early on that I enjoyed it and am now lucky enough to do it as my job every day!

#serverless #software-engineering #software-development #product-development #developer #interview #maps

DITL of a Software Engineer: On Working With Serverless Like
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