Identify What Can Be Automated

Obviously, to automate anything, you need to identify it first. So you need to notice what you do that repeats daily. In the beginning, you will feel like there is nothing to automate, but once you start to brainstorm more, you will have endless ideas. Here is a list of scenarios that might need automation.

  • When I like an article and decide I want to share it on my social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) I may automate this process to have a simple button for all of this.
  • When I like a quote from something I am reading online, either from an article or even a code snippet from Stack Overflow, I usually copy-paste this part and open my Evernote account to add it over there with a note.
  • I live overseas, so chatting is the main way of communicating with most of my friends. I usually love saying hi once in a while, to initiate a new chat between us. So instead of forgetting to do this manually every Thursday, automating this helps me to get into a chat with my friends more when they reply.
  • I notice a feature missing on a website I like, so I keep looking for it manually. For example, in Medium, I don’t love the stats page, so I start to look deeper into it, and that wastes a lot of time. Also, there is no badge to let you know if someone is following back or no.
  • Sometimes, I want to auto-scroll down a long dynamic page until its end. For example, suppose there’s a Twitter profile with 1,000 tweets, and I want to go to the bottom to see all the 1,000 tweets.

There are many ideas out there. All you need is to brainstorm and decide which one you want to start with.

#javascript #automation #software-development #learning-to-code #programming

How I Automate My Browser Tasks
1.10 GEEK