“Pigs are easy to please. All they need is food,” said the Neuralink team when asked about the choice of the creature at last year’s Neuralink event, where they showcased a couple of pigs running around with a chip (LINK) on their skulls. But, the goal is to make the LINK work for humans. They needed something more robust, with motor skills similar to humans. Elon Musk and his Neuralink team achieved the tour de force by implanting the LINK on a macaque monkey, named Pager and nudged it to move a cursor on a computer screen!

Read more: https://analyticsindiamag.com/neuralink-mind-pong-explained/?fbclid=IwAR0gknwessKGDpoAvK_lGndhq7a1jYXE-FMiUnfsl5KDFNBKFDgunD1uC1Y

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What Is Neuralink’s Mind Pong: Explained
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