Do you know more than 50 million websites including some most popular ones like Google, LinkedIn, eBay, Amazon, and Stack Overflow are written extensively using which language? the answer is nothing other than the most popular Java. Java just reached it’s Silver Anniversary but Still Ruling the software industry with ‘Old is Gold’ kinda reliability. The Allrounder Java provides numerous applications on Android, cloud computing, Big Data, and Machine Learning projects but when it comes to Web development Java is the best choice of any level of developers.

Frameworks are tools with pre-written code, act as a template or skeleton, which can be reused to create an application by simply filling with your code as needed which enables developers to program their application with no overhead of creating each line of code again and again from scratch. Now if you are searching for the best tools in the market that help you to develop a website easier, faster and better then Java is always there for you with a large number of frameworks and most importantly most of the Java frameworks are free and open-source.

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Top 10 Most Popular Java Frameworks for Web Development
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