In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup salesforce development tools on a windows machine. We will use Visual Studio Code with Salesforce Extension Pack (Apex, Apex Interactive Debugger, Apex Replay Debugger, Salesforce CLI Integration, Aura Components, Visualforce, Lightning Web Components, SLDS Validator) together with Salesforce CLI tool installed on windows.

With this tutorial you will:

  • Understand the benefits of using SFDX CLI tool
  • How to use Visual Studio Code for Salesforce Development
  • Create an empty Salesforce project in your local machine
  • Connect your machine to a Salesforce ORG
  • Understand the use of package XML manifest file
  • Retrieve resources from a Salesforce ORG
  • Deploy resources toa Salesforce ORG

00:00 Intro
01:44 Salesforce Extension Pack on VSC
02:22 Salesforce CLI tool
04:31 Create Salesforce Project
06:47 Connect with Salesforce ORG
08:32 Retrieve Salesforce Resources
14:30 Summary - the end

Installations Links

Visual Studio Code:

Salesforce Extension Pack:…

Salesforce CLI:…


#salesforce #visual-studio

Setup Salesforce DX with Visual Studio Code
1.85 GEEK