At least twice a day I run the following commands:

>>>git fetch upstream master
>>>git merge upstream/master -m 'Here we go again...again'
>>>git push

At 10 words each time, run twice a day over the course of my 15 week bootcamp comes to 1500 words. To put that in perspective, that is the equivalent of three high quality blogs that I could be writing for you. Truly, something has to be done.


Git python creates a repo object that allows you to interact with either your own repositories or public repositories that your code is dependent on.

The  Installation

>>>pip3 install GitPython

The installation takes care to check the dependencies of the library for you. However, you should add your username and password to your  git configuration.

#data-science #computer-science #diy #github #python

Updating Your Github Repository using Python
3.15 GEEK