Hello All, If you want to learn JavaScript by yourself and looking for some free resources like books, sites, and tutorials then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I am going to share some of the best free JavaScript online courses you can join to learn JavaScript by yourself, on your own schedule and at your own place.

A lot of people are learning JavaScript and the number is only increasing by each passing day, and why not? It’s the #1 web development language. It also has tons of useful frameworks and libraries like Angular, React Node.js, and jQuery which makes web development really easy.

If you are looking for a job or starting your own websites, learning JavaScript is a good decision. In today’s world, I highly encourage people to learn to code and at least know to build a web application and mobile application on your own, and by learning JavaScript you can hit these two birds in one stone.

Yes, you can also develop a mobile application using JavaScript. If you don’t, ReactNative is a JavaScript library, which allows you to develop a mobile application for Android and iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad in JavaScript.

Now, the big question is which courses should you choose to learn JavaScript? There are tons of choices available in terms of books, tutorials, paid courses, and free courses.

There are even websites you can use to learn JavaScript interactively. You might want to check out them in my earlier post about 5 websites to learn JavaScript.

10+ Free JavaScript Online Courses for Beginners
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