In the following article, we’ve discussed the procedure to create a credit card payment portal using React-router and Context API.

Modelling A Credit Card Payment Portal Using React-Router and Context API

[In this article, we’ll discuss the procedure to create a credit card payment portal
But, in this article, we’ll create the same application using react-router, redux and formik.

Our final application should have the following features —

  1. A home page with a button which will take the user to the payment portal.

2. The payment portal page should have a form with a ‘Make payment’ button and following input fields —

  • Credit Card Number (mandatory, string, 16 digits)
  • Card Holder Name (mandatory, string)
  • Expiration Date (mandatory, Date > Current Date)
  • Security Code — CVV (mandatory, string, 3 digits)
  • Amount (mandatory, number > 0)

3. The payment portal page should also have a button which will bring back the user to the home page.

4. After clicking the ‘Make payment’ button, the form input data should be displayed in the home page.

#reactjs #formik #redux #react-redux #react-router

Modelling A Credit Card Payment Portal Using React, Redux And Formik
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