Today we’re announcing a new beta release of Dart. This beta represents a new level of stability and confidence in the new sound null safety type system, which we’ve been working on for over a year. The updated Dart beta (2.12.0–259.9.beta) is available on and is also included in the beta channel of Flutter. We don’t anticipate any more breaking changes between now and the stable release of this feature.

If you’re a package developer, we invite you to begin publishing stable, null-safe versions of your packages to provide the best experience for users when we ship the stable version of Dart with null safety. We’ve started this process ourselves, publishing stable versions of null-safe packages such as argsyaml, and grpc. If all of your dependencies are null-safe and published with stable versions (e.g. 1.0.0 instead of 1.0.0-nullsafety.123), now is the time for you to do the same!

#announcements #dart #flutter

Preparing the Dart and Flutter Ecosystem for Null Safety
1.30 GEEK