What is Zapp (ZAPP) | What is ZAPP token | Zapp (ZAPP) ICO

Earn rewards by playing games

Imagine you are playing your favorite game or using your favorite running app and want to keep track of your score. Zappermint lets you log in, just like any other social media login system. When you zap an app, you log in and connect Zappermint to the app.

From this point forward, your data is connected to your wallet’s public address instead of your e-mail address. Sharing your user data (e-mail address, profile picture, friends list, …) to be able to save points, stars, scores and other in-game items like subscription data is history.

Why use Zappermint?

Removing ads and paywalls with the Zappermint app

Zap, zap, zap!

Users that stake a minimum amount of USDN in the Zappermint app can benefit from applications without ads, paywalls or subscriptions.

The Zappermint smart contract acts as a bridge contract to reward developers with the generated yield of all the users staking USDN.

Once a user logs in with Zappermint the developer can remove ads, paywalls or subscriptions because they get rewarded with the generated staking profit of the USDN pool.

What is staking and why USDN?

When users are logged in with Zappermint and are staking USDN they start minting new ZAPP tokens based on screentime per month. The rewarded payouts happen on specific time intervals yet to be decided.

So for example if an app is used 1 hour, the smart contract mints ZAPP tokens for that hour and divides the minted tokens between the users based on their share of screentime. The more you play or use apps the more your share of minted ZAPP tokens will be. The amount that you are staking will also be a factor that determines your share.

Our token will be used to incentivize users to stake, for governance and boost developers rewards.

What is governance?

The amount of USDN from users is collected and from this pool of USDN an annual yield is generated. A small percentage of the profit goes to Zappermint for support, network cost, buffer, royalty and providing liquidity.

The rest of the profit will be distributed to the developers that use Zappermint. The distribution is allocated in 2 ways:

1. The Standard pool is based on the screentime of your apps. The more users play or use your app, the bigger your share will be from this pool.

2. The Bonus pool is based on the screentime of your apps, the amount of ZAPP tokens a developers has in his wallet and the amount of ZAPP tokens the developer burned into the app NFT.

What is an app NFT and what is burning?

We need apps and users

The Zappermint ecosystem works better and better with every app that integrates Zappermint. Due to its built-in network effect every user and developer will make the network stronger and stronger.

Please start sharing and let us build an adless revenue model for developers.

If you would like to keep getting the latest news, please join our community on Discord, Telegram and Twitter.

Would you like to earn many tokens and cryptocurrencies right now! ☞ CLICK HERE

Looking for more information…

☞ Website
☞ Whitepaper
☞ Social Channel

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What is Zapp (ZAPP) | What is ZAPP token | Zapp (ZAPP) ICO
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