For Pegasystems, a leading provider of cloud software for customer engagement and intelligent automation, success depends on being able to provide highly scalable systems for its customers. But with its core SAP systems in a traditional data center, the IT department found it was spending too much time on day-to-day maintenance and less on strategic projects that generated value for customers.

In 2020, Pega chose to deploy its SAP environment, including SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) and SAP HANA data warehousing, to Google Cloud. The move has helped Pega overcome many of the challenges it faced with the previous deployment. It also made Pega’s SAP systems more reliable and offered powerful new data capabilities to support the business in making the right decisions.

The challenge: A lack of agility

Although Pega ran its SAP suite in a third-party data center, it was architected with traditional servers and storage and lacked the scale and agility necessary to keep up with Pega’s needs. Adding more capacity, for example, required too much work and coordination with the hosting provider, which often led to unacceptable levels of downtime. Instead of focusing on the transformational initiatives that Pega required for growth, the company’s IT team was putting time and resources into making sure its SAP systems were running correctly.

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Pega: Optimizing Business Operations with SAP on Google Cloud
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