Data science arrived on the scene of the technological sector and the IT industry with an unforeseen and unprecedented rush and quickly made a big space for itself. In a few short decades it has taken over the computer science and technological industry completely.

This meteoric rise in popularity has led many people to start asking the question – “Is a data science certificate worth it?” The short and simple answer to this question is that yes, a data science certification is definitely worth it.

In this article we will go into detail about the reasons why this is so. We will also attempt to give some relevant information about the data science certification, namely the PGP in data science course.

Why to choose data science certification training?

1. One will be able to build a basic foundation of knowledge -

A very important point which a learner of data science should realize in the beginning itself is that data science is a very vast field. It is formed out of the intersection of many different fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, information science, IT etc. So it contains a large number of concepts and topics which are difficult to impossible to master in the beginning.

The disadvantage of trying to learn data science from a 4 year university or college program is that the learner will be taught a lot of cruft; that is, he will be taught a lot of concepts and topics which he will never actually need to use in the real world. But a data science certification course will teach him the bare minimum essentials of data science which will be relevant for his career in data science.

2. One will be able to associate with instructors possessing personal experience -

Very often it turns out to be the case that the instructors teaching the learners are academicians and PhD scientists. Over their years of study and research in the field of data science they have amassed a lot of academic knowledge about it, which they are more than willing to impart to the learners.

But they lack the practical experience which only comes from working in the industry and it shows in the lack of real-world examples and case studies in their presentations. But in a data science training course, the learners are taught by professionals with decades of experience from working in the field.

3. One will be able to make use of the latest technology stacks -

In any decent PGP in data science course the course content or the course curriculum is updated frequently to keep pace with the changes in the field of data science – namely with the most recent developments and advances. Since the instructors have been professionals in the past, they are familiar with the latest technological trends in the field and update the content accordingly.

The situation is very different in university or college programs where the wizened old professors teach the same course content for years on end.

4. One will get personal care and attention from the instuctors -

In a university or college program there are typically thousands of students enrolled in the same course. So it is near to impossible for the instructors to provide personal care and attention to the students. But in a data science certification course the instructors arrange 1-on-1 meetings with the learners on a regular basis in which the learners can get all their doubts and quries cleared.

5. One can accrue practical and hands-on experience -

Any decent data science training course always contains assignments and practical projects. These provide a means for the learners to accrue hands-on and practical experience under the guidance of the seasoned and experienced instructors.

So, is a data science certification worth it?

From the above points it can be clearly seen that a data science certification is completely worth it. Not only are there numerous benefits to taking a data science training course, but the demand for skilled and competent data scientists is rising steadily as well.

So anyone who takes a course such as a PGP in data science course will have no difficulties in finding a job in any sector or industry of his choosing.

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Is a data science certificate worth it?
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