I will teach you in this lesson how to create dynamodb table in aws boto3 python, how to insert items in aws boto3, how to retrieve items, how to scan items, how to query dynamodb.

🔊 Watch till last for a detailed description

  • 02:15 How to create the table
  • 09:56 how to insert items in dynamodb
  • 13:04 how to read table
  • 14:26 how to delete item
  • 15:46 how to batch write in dynamodb
  • 19:43 how to query dynamodb table

💯 Read Full Blog: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/index.html

#python #aws #cloud #developer

AWS Boto3 Python Crash Course with AWS DynamoDB in Python Tutorial
2.75 GEEK