If you own an online store, you must already be aware of the significance of customer experience for your brand. It can make or break your business even if you have excellent products and services to offer. Therefore, your eCommerce website development approach has a lot to do with the sales you achieve in the following days.

Now, if you are looking to improve your site’s customer experience, you must invest your time and efforts in improving your eCommerce website development strategy. Now, consumer experience begins the moment customers come in contact with your brand and even after they have made a purchase.

Typically, we have categorized customer experience into three parts for your better understanding. You can find out different ways to use eCommerce platforms efficiently for a better customer experience.

How To Improve Customer Experience?

1. Pre-purchase experience

The pre-purchase experience begins once the user comes in contact with your brand. He/she learns what the brand is all about, what product/services they can expect, and several other factors that help them decide if they want to purchase at all.

Here are some eCommerce website development tips that ensure you can improve your store’s consumer experience.

  • Conduct UX or design audit - The first thing your visitors come to see is your website’s design and that must communicate with them, for them to spend a little more time on your site. Therefore, make sure your eCommerce website design is on point and can appeal to your visitors. Use colors and design elements that are aesthetically pleasing to your audience section, make your site fast, responsive, and easy to navigate.

  • Customer surveys - What works for your eCommerce site and whatnot, it all comes down to the customer requirements. Concerning this, customer surveys have an important role as you can understand what your website lacks. You should be able to improve your eCommerce website development process sufficiently based on this.

  • Build robust product pages - The pre-purchase customer experience can be enhanced if your product page is designed accurately. Make sure you use high-definition images with zoom-in features, descriptive and unique product descriptions, product reviews, etc. Ensure all the important information is mentioned on the page itself so customers don’t have to search for it here and there.

2. Purchasing experience

This refers to the overall experience of a user on eCommerce platforms while exploring your products/ services and purchasing them. The checkout process, payment transactions, etc. are all part of the buying experience.

Here are a few eCommerce website design tips that can help you elevate your purchasing experience.

  • Use AR & VR - Incorporating techniques like augmented reality and virtual reality helps improve the customer experience for eCommerce platforms. It can significantly help during the purchasing process. For instance, if a customer is confused about how furniture would look in their home space, retail shopping sites can use virtual reality to show them a virtual version of the furniture in their room to aid in the purchasing experience.

  • Responsive management - Informing customers about their abandoned carts, notifying them about the ongoing sales and discounts, etc. are a few pointers of responsive management that can help in your eCommerce website development journey.

  • Multiple payment methods - Ensure to adapt multiple payment options so users can choose their preferred payment mode and purchase items.

3. Post-purchase experience

Even after the user has finished purchasing a product or service, the user experience they have on eCommerce platforms will determine whether or not they will turn into loyal customers.

To ensure that is the case, make sure your eCommerce website design communicates to them with the help of these tips mentioned below.

  • Supply chain management - Once the order is placed, you need to ensure the shipping and delivery are right and timely. This too is a crucial part of your eCommerce website development. So maybe, you can invest in an efficient backend tool that can help you manage the supply chain.

  • Machine learning or AI - If there’s a concern or query raised by a customer, you need to resolve it or answer it quickly to earn a loyal customer. Make sure to incorporate technologies like Artificial Intelligence to create automated chatbots that can improve your store’s customer experience.

Follow these tips to create a powerful eCommerce store and ensure your customers have the best experience ever. Furthermore, make sure to avail the best help so you can achieve it more effortlessly. Auxesis Infotech might aid you in this purpose and help you create a powerful eCommerce website design that elevates customer experience greatly.

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Ways to Improve Your Online Store’s Customer Experience
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