Overview :

911 is a North American emergency helpline number . By doing analysis of this dataset we will try to understand whether emergency response team is well equipped to deal with emergencies or not.We will also get to know about the frequency of emegency due to natural cause(health issues,etc) and due to human mistakes(fire accident,road accident etc).

step 1 : Importing libraries and acquiring dataset

a.> Importing libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline                 #function for in-notebook display

b.>Acquiring dataset

you can get dataset here.

df=pd.read_csv("911.csv")  #reading dataset from local system
df.head()            #reading first five rows

Image for post

step 2 : A brief understanding of data

a. checking shape of dataset i.e:-number of rows and column present in given dataset .

df.shape     #how many rows and columns given dataset consists

[out]>> (99492, 9)

b. Cursory glance of each column present in given dataset

>> df.columns  #getting name of each column present in given dataset

[out]>>Index(['lat', 'lng', 'desc', 'zip', 'title', 'timeStamp', 'twp', 'addr', 'e'], dtype='object')
>>len(df.columns)    #total number of columns 
[out]>> 9

#data-visualization #pandas #data-cleaning #data-science

Exploratory Data Analysis on  911 Emergency calls
2.90 GEEK