A Simple tool for Listing RSS Content

RSS Reader

Screenshot RSS Reader

Live demo.

This is a codementor project.

My Goals and what I’ve practiced

The main goal here was to create a simple and clean React app with a good visual experience. This was my first project using Tailwind and I have enjoyed a lot, it really helped me to get good results spending less time on CSS.

Working on this project also gave me the oportunity to study RSS standards.

Any feedback will be appreciated :)


  • The user can input a RSS feed URL.
  • The reader will display the title, description, and link of the original content.


  • React
  • Tailwind
  • RSS Parser
  • Luxon (for Dates)


Download Details:

Author: ascpenteado

Demo: https://rss-reader-lovat.vercel.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/ascpenteado/rss-reader

#react #reactjs #javascript

A Simple tool for Listing RSS Content
2.70 GEEK