Angular CheatSheet: The Basics of Angular Binding and Angular CLI

Master the basics of Angular binding and CLI with this comprehensive cheatsheet. This comprehensive Angular cheatsheet covers the basics of Angular binding and Angular CLI, everything you need to know to start building Angular applications quickly and easily.

From data binding to directives to Angular CLI commands, this cheatsheet has it all. It's the perfect resource for beginners and experienced developers alike.

What is Angular?

Angular is an application-design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.

Angular Binding:

One Way Binding<p>title</p> 
- No changes were reflected back to the variable.
Two Way Binding<input [(ngMo­del­)]=­"­student.F­ir­stN­ame­"> 
- Changes were reflected back to the variable
Property Binding<img [src]=­"­student.profilePicUrl">
Attribute Binding<button [attr.a­ri­a-l­abe­l]=­"­ok">­Ok<­/bu­tto­n>
Class Binding<div [class.Focused]="isFocused">S­ele­cte­d</­div>
ngClass<div [ngClass]="assignClasses()"> <h1>{{student.FirstName}}</h1> </div>
Style Binding<p [­lor­]="i­sSe­lected ? 'green' : 'red'">Option {{i}}</p>
ngStyle<div [ngStyle]="setStyles()"> {{}} </div>
Component Binding<student-details [student]="currStudent"></student-details>
Directive Binding<div [ngClass] = "­{se­lected: isSele­cte­d}">­Student<­/di­v>
Event Binding<button (click­)="test()">­Test</­but­ton>
$event<input [value]="" (input)="$">

Angular Lifecycle Hooks:

ngOnInit()It get invoked when angular initialize component or directive.
ngOnChanges()It get invoked when angular sets data bound input property i.e. @Input().
ngDoCheck()It get invoked for every changes.
ngAfterContentInit()It get invoked after angular project content in its view.
ngAfterContentChecked()It get invoked after angular checks the binding of content into view.
ngAfterViewInit()It get invoked after angular create component view.
ngAfterViewChecked()It get invoked after angular checks the binding of component view.
ngOnDestroy()It get invoked before angular destroy component or directives.

Angular CLI commands:

ng new project-nameTo create a new project
ng g component <name>To generate a component
ng g directive <name>To generate directive
ng g pipe <name>To generate pipe
ng g service <name>To generate service
ng g class <name>To generate class
ng g interface <name>To g interface
ng serveRun application in local server
ng build [--e=<name>]Create a build and change environment
ng test | e2eTesting your application
ng generate universal [options] 
ng g universal [options]
- universal command 
- This command is used to pass this schematic to the run command to set up server-side rendering for an app
--defaults=true | false:- AND [options] 
- When true, it disables interactive input prompts for options with a default.
--dryRun=true | false:- AND [options] 
- When true, it runs through and reports activity without writing out results.


Angular CheatSheet: The Basics of Angular Binding and Angular CLI
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