In the movie Little Women, Jo March’s (Saoirse Ronan) inky fingers give her away as the writer rather than just the bearer of someone else’s manuscript; as she claims initially in the newspaper editor’s office, she’s nervously visiting. The editor decisively strikes through many pages before accepting a story and making an offer of payment. Thrilled to the core, Jo March runs through the streets for she had sold her first piece of content!

Content - readers love it and writers enjoy creating it. The types of content are many and good content has driven industries like printing, publishing, broadcast, film, search engines, AI etc.

History of Content

Scripts and artwork carved and painted onto rocks, metals and other media, have survived the ravages of time to tell us of our collective civilizational histories. Somewhere in our distant past, human intellect created ink, and inks, in turn, helped grow human intellect. It was used to write edicts, laws, religious texts, epics, medical formulations, sensual poetry, taboos, etc., on palm leaves, papyrus, cloth, skins, tablets, etc.

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Will Content Continue to Rule?
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