Create REST Connected Services

Slightly contrived example, we have two services, vadal-users and vadal-posts. Vadal-posts contains a list of posts for users identified by their user id. Vadal-posts makes a REST call to vadal-users to find the name of the user based on the user id. This allows Kiali to gather tracing and traffic details.

Add vadal-users and vadal-posts spring-boot java services. See source code here

In essence vpost calls vuser (we have added two posts):

@GetMapping(value = "/posts")
    public Iterable<Post> getPosts(HttpServletRequest request) { + ", " + request.getRequestURL());
        Iterable<Post> posts = postRepo.findAll();
        posts.forEach(post -> {
            ResponseEntity<User> userResponse = restTemplate.getForEntity(userService + "/u/" + post.getUserId(), User.class);
  "User returned {}", userResponse.getBody().getName());

        return posts;

In vadal-posts in the application.yml we define the following: Vadal Posts ${FREDS.ID:3} ${WILMAS.ID:4}

user.service: ${USER.SERVICE:http://localhost:7777}

As usual build the docker image using build pack.

mvn spring-boot:build-image for both.

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Observability With Istio, Kiali, and Grafana in Kubernetes and Spring
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