RSLua: The Complete Solution for Lua Lexing and Parsing in Rust


Yet another Lua lexer and Lua parser for Lua 5.3 written in pure Rust.


  • input str
  • output Result<Vec<Token>, LexError>
use rslua::lexer::Lexer;
let mut lexer = Lexer::new();
let tokens =;

Lexer Config

use_origin_stringboolfalseUse origin string as token value instead of escaped one.
reserve_commentsboolfalseReserve comments as tokens.


  • input Vec<Token>
  • output Result<Block, SyntaxError>
let mut parser = Parser::new();
let block =;

AST walker

Use ast_walker to travel the AST, implement the AstVisitor trait to run custom logic.

A complete example

Read Lua source files from ./lua folder, parse them, generate ASTs and walk them through, use a LuaWritter struct which impletements the AstVisitor trait to re-generate formatted Lua source again to ./tmp folder.

See tests/

Download Details:

Author: sssooonnnggg
Source Code: 

#lua #ruts 

RSLua: The Complete Solution for Lua Lexing and Parsing in Rust
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