Get started with JavaScript web server frameworks.

Node.js with Express is a popular combo used by a lot of applications worldwide. This tutorial helps you get started with Node.js and Express by building a simple web server.

Your server will serve up an HTML page, which will be accessible by other people. By the end of the article, you will have basic knowledge about:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • npm
  • creating Express routes
  • serving HTML
  • setting up static assets in Express

Pro tip: Do not copy the code from the tutorial. Write the code yourself to learn better.

Without further ado, let’s jump straight in!

Create and Initialise the Project

The first step in the tutorial is to create an empty folder for the project. You can create one in the usual way, or you can do it from the terminal as follows:

mkdir express-server
cd express-server

Now that you have an empty project, it’s time to initialise it by running the following command:

npm init -y

#angular #javascript #programming #nodejs

Node.js + Express Tutorial for 2021 - Build a Web Server Using Node.js and Express
1.80 GEEK