Today I am excited to announce the release of PWA Pong, a progressive web app version of the classic Pong game. I chose Pong because I recently talked with students in India, sharing how I started my development career.

You can experience the PWA Pong game right now.


As I prepared for this engagement it occurred to me my fascination, like most of us, started when I was young playing video games. I traced this experience back to a visit to a family friend with a brand new Atari 6500 home entertainment system.

I remember that night, playing pong on their giant living room floor television set. I was not alone the entire house, full of guest, was mezmorized by the game on the screen, pong.

To celebrate my presentation to the students i decided to find a version of Pong I could upgrade. Thanks to GitHub I quickly located a suitable version I could easily upgrade to a progressive web app.

15 Minutes later the first version of PWA Pong was ready to go!

Just like other progressive web apps I have been launching this is a very simple application. I simply added a web manifest file and basic service worker. I am also hosting the site in AWS using the CloudFront CDN service. AWS offers free SSL certificates that are easy to provision and install.

#progressive web app

A Progressive Web App Of The Classic Atari Game
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