How to use GitHub API to manage access tokens and installation IDs to enable working with multiple GitHub accounts within your application

Altostra is a no-code infrastructure platform for developers and teams to accelerate cloud applications delivery.

As a developer-first platform, we use git providers for identity as well as for source control. In this article, we’ll discuss how we utilize GitHub for managing multiple teams on Altostra.

Using the  Altostra GitHub App, we can integrate with our users’ GitHub accounts and perform operations, such as creating a repository or committing files, as Altostra. This enables our users to manage their Altostra projects inside their GitHub accounts.


Bob is a developer in an organization with multiple development teams that use Altostra.

First, Bob connects his GitHub account by installing the Altostra GitHub App. After that, Bob can immediately start working with Altostra by importing existing projects from GitHub and creating new Altostra projects from templates.

Later, Bob creates a new team and wants to connect his GitHub account to it. This time, we can’t use the previous GitHub installation workflow because the app was already installed on Bob’s GitHub account. So, we list all the GitHub accounts that Bob has access to and already have the Altostra GitHub App installed.

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using A Single GitHub App When Working with Multiple Accounts
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