Round 1:

  • Online Test: Eduthrill platform, questions based on operating systems, DBMS, Computer Networks, Algorithms, and time complexities(30 MCQs-30minutes)

**Round 2: **Eduthrill platform

  • Coding question on graph-60 minutes

Round 3: F2F technical interview for 75 minutes

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. He asked me to write a code of round-2 question.
  3. Questions about my projects.
  4. Difference between the linked list and array.
  5. Count the number of nodes in a tree.
  6. Questions on stack and applications.
  7. OOPs concepts
  8. What is join and explain about types of joins?
  9. Query-based on full outer join and right outer join
  10. What is indexing and working of it, also types of indexing?.
  11. Do you have any questions for me?

Round 4: F2F technical interview for 65 minutes.

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Explain about your recent project.
  3. Difference between JavaScript and Node js.
  4. He asked me to write part of the backend code of my project.
  5. Count frequency of elements without using extra space.
  6. The question should give output as follows:
Input :[Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday, Yesterday was Thursday]
Output:[Friday is Today. Saturday is Tomorrow, Thursday was Yesterday]

7. Discussion on my resume.

Verdict: Selected

Smart Interviews helped me a lot. Thank you so much GeeksforGeeks.

#interview experiences #accolite #marketing #on-campus

Accolite Interview Experience for SDE (On-campus)
3.70 GEEK