SwiftUI features in React Native Applications


❗ ❗ This project is new and has not reached a stable release yet. Working to complete all features soon! ❗ ❗

What is it?

SwiftUI is awesome. So is React Native! This library aims to leverage some of the best SwiftUI features in React Native applications.


Stacks 🥞 🔡

  • VStack: Vertical stack
  • HStack: Horizontal stack
  • ZStack: Overlay stack

UI Elements ⚛️ 📱

  • Button: A clickable element that performs an action
  • Image: An image or icon
  • Link: An external link redirecting to the browser
  • Spacer: Space in between views (horizontal or vertical)
  • Text: A text element
  • TextField: A styled text input element
  • Label: An element with text and an icon/image
  • Toggle: An toggle element to switch something on/off
  • Picker: A styled selection element
  • RoundedRectangle: You guessed it, a rounded rectangle

Views/Lists 📝 📜

  • ScrollView: A scrollable view
  • List: A formatted list

Navigation ➡️ 🔗

  • NavigationManager: Navigation wrapper
  • NavigationViewManager: A collection of naviagble views
  • NavigationView: A representation of a navigable screen
  • NavigationLink: A link to another view
  • TabView: A tab bar view
  • TabItem: A tab bar item


Run yarn build to generate a dist/ folder, then run yarn watch while developing.


Install the package like this:

yarn add swiftui-react-native

and then these if you don’t have them installed already:

yarn add react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view

Import the components you need like this:

import { VStack, Text, Button } from 'swiftui-react-native';

And display them like this:

return (
    padding={{ leading: 30 }}
    <Text font='title'>Some cool text</Text>
    <Button action={doSomething}>
      <Text>Click the cool button</Text>

vs. SwiftUI…

var body: some View {
  VStack(alignment: .leading) {
    Text("Some cool text").font(.title)
    Button(action: doSomething) {
      Text("Click the cool button")
   .padding(.leading, 30)


  • Components/Views
  • Custom Hooks
  • Native iOS themes and colors
  • Pre-styled components (examples/)

Download Details:

Author: andrew-levy

Source Code: https://github.com/andrew-levy/swiftui-react-native

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SwiftUI features in React Native Applications
6.20 GEEK