6 React Native Router Component Example

React Router Native Animate Stack

A latest React version react router native animate stack .React Router Native v5 with your desired customization transition style! It’s design with Animated.View

This package only useable with React Router Native. Use it like a React router native’s Switch

"React Router Native Animate Stack"

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React Native Simple Router

A community maintained router component for React Native .Awesome navigation for your React Native app.

"React Native Simple Router"

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React Native Deep Linking

React Native route-matching library to handle deep links.

"React Native Deep Linking"

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React Native Easy Router

React Native Easy Router is an easy-to-use and performant screen navigation library for React Native

"React Native Easy Router"

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React Router Native

A routing library for React Native that strives for sensible API parity with react-router

"React Router Native"

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React Navigation

Routing and navigation for your React Native apps https://reactnavigation.org

Routing and navigation for your React Native apps.

Documentation can be found at reactnavigation.org.

If you are looking for version 4, the code can be found in the 4.x branch.

"React Navigation"

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React Native Router Flux

react-native-router-flux is a different API over react-navigation. It helps users to define all the routes in one central place and navigate and communicate between different screens in an easy way. But it also means that react-native-router-flux inherits all limitations and changes from updated versions.

"React Native Router Flux"

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6 React Native Router Component Example
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