Tailwind CSS is an open-source utility-first CSS framework. It redefines the way you style applications by providing a variety of CSS classes.

Using Tailwind CSS, you can style your applications without a single custom class name or a stylesheet.

Furthermore, I found that it works exceptionally well with mobile applications based on React Native.

So, in this article, I’m going to discuss why Tailwind CSS is the best solution for React Native applications.

  • 1. Customized Packages for Better Integration
  • 2. Small Bundle Size in Production
  • 3. Improves Maintainability
  • 4. Consistent UI and Customizability
  • 5. Can Easily Keep the Application Up-to-Date

#react #tailwind-css #react-native #css #javascript

5 Reasons to Use Tailwind CSS with React Native
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