Back in the day when Vercel was Zeit and the Vercel CLI was simply now, I was blown away by the simplicity of it all. You could, at the time, deploy contains and I made that count during that golden Bitcoin phase of 2018 (yep, what a throwback).

After the recent  Next.js Conference and announcement of  Next.js 10, I have been very tempted to make some changes to how I deploy my applications.

I am still working through it, but as it currently stands, I am not into the idea of fighting against the grain to get Lambda functions working with Next.js 9+ (yes, there is a serverless plugin but it doesn’t suit the workflow I was going for).

So, I have decided to jump back into Vercel and see what is fresh and put some focus on Next.js.

Today’s post will be about simply reliving the making deployments with Vercel.

The requirements are that you have a Vercel and GitHub account.

Deploying a Next.js 10 application with the Vercel CLI

We need to run some groundwork. From a project base, let’s use create-next-app to create a Next.js 10 app that we will deploy with the Vercel CLI that we will install.

Once we install and create our basic scaffold, we will need to log into our Vercel account using vercel login.

This will prompt you for an email address. Once this has been entered, head to your email to verify the code.

This will log you in from the CLI and you are ready to go!

Now, here is the magic… just run vercel.

Follow the prompts for the scope and project you are happy enough to deploy.

The prompts will give you a URL to inspect so you can see the progress of the deployment.

#vercel #javascript #react #nextjs

Deploying Next.js 10 with Vercel CLI and the Vercel GitHub Integration
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