Did you think you already had your work cut out for you with learning Angular, React, and Vue? These frameworks can take a lot of time and practice to become competent with and much longer to master.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but your work isn’t done yet. If you want your web applications to be useful at all — whether that metric is its ability to make money, be seen, or be used — then your work has only just begun.

What’s more, are you trying to qualify as a Senior Front-End Engineer or just a Senior Full-Stack Engineer? Well, concepts like SEO optimization, code splitting, and mobile optimization are going to come up in interviews and these frameworks help us overcome these pain points and offer convenient ways to solve them.

Wait… Frameworks for My Frameworks?

Yes, that’s right. You need to go learn how to use frameworks for your frameworks. If you just finished learning how to use Vue, now you need to learn Nuxt.js. Just finished learning React? Time to learn Next.js. Just now starting to feel like a pro with Angular? Not so fast. Time to learn Nest.js or Angular Universal.

I know what you’re thinking, and you’re 100% right: “The rat race of learning new technology never ends!”

Well, the good news is that learning these frameworks for your frameworks only requires a little bit of change from the way you normally do things in your front-end framework of choice. In some ways, these frameworks can make development with your favorite front-end framework even more enjoyable.

#react #javascript #seo #vuejs

You Need Server-Side Rendering for Your Angular/React/Vue Application
17.05 GEEK