Learn the new features that will become part of JavaScript with the ES2021 specification

Every year since 2015, JavaScript has been receiving constant yearly updates to its specification with new interesting features added.

Despite the release of ES2021 still being far in the future, we can already have a look at what’s to come since many features already reached stage 4 and will be included in the specification.

For those of you who don’t know, there are 4 stages in the proposal process, with the 4th one being the last one which marks the proposal as finished.

As a developer, it’s important to stay updated with the new specs of a language and if you feel like you’ve been left behind by the many updates that JavaScript received in the past years, I can recommend you my book that covers everything from the basics of the language all the way to the latest ES2020 specs, including a little intro to TypeScript.

Now, let’s get started with the first of the new ES2021 features:

  • String.prototype.replaceAll
  • Promise.any
  • Logical Operators and Assignment Expressions
  • Numeric Separators
  • WeakRefs
  • Intl.ListFormat
  • dateStyle and timeStyle options for Intl.DateTimeFormat

#javascript #ecmascript #programming #developer

Everything New Coming in ECMAScript 2021 (ES2021)
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